📚🚶 The October Webcast
An introductory chat and a reading from Mrs Bridge by Evan S Connell
Dear walking book clubbers,
Thanks so much to those of you who have been sending me rapturous messages about this amazing novel! It sounds like Mrs Bridge is going down a storm, or even a tornado… (That’s an in-joke for those who have read it.)
Are you keen to find out what all the fuss is about? Hopefully this week’s webcast will inspire you to pick it up. There’s still time to read this slim book before our October meet-ups: THIS FRIDAY 11th in Regent’s Park and THIS SUNDAY 13th on Hampstead Heath; there’s also next Monday evening’s zoom for those who can’t make our in-person events. Scroll down to find the booking links.
In case you missed it, you can find my introduction to the book, including discussion points and links to explore it further here:
Our October Mrs Bridge events
Please note that for the benefit of your fellow walkers, you need to have read the book before coming along to a walking book club. If you’ve not read the book, you are very welcome to join the zoom instead.
Emily’s Regent’s Park Walking Book Club: Friday 11th October, 12-1.45pm, setting off from Daunt Books, 84 Marylebone High Street, W1U 4QW, £8-15
Emily’s Hampstead Heath Walking Book Club: Sunday 13th October, 11.30-1pm, setting off from Daunt Books Hampstead, 51 South End Road, NW3 2QB, £8-15
Emily’s Zoom Book Club: Monday 14th October, 8-9pm, £1-15
Buy Mrs Bridge from Daunt Books HERE and receive 10% off using the code WBC at checkout, or just tell them you’re in Emily’s Walking Book Club if you’re buying it in the shop.
The October Webcast
I hope you enjoy a little chat at my desk about Mrs Bridge by Evan S Connell, exploring why it’s such a cult classic. I talk a bit about time moving at different speeds and read out the chapter entitled “The Clock”.
If you like the webcast, I’d be grateful if you could like or comment on it over on YouTube so the algorithm knows we matter and more people can discover our books and book club. In case you’d like to see more of these little videos, you can find them about all our books from the past few years on my YouTube channel: @emilyrhodeswriter.
The Past is Myself by Christabel Bielenberg
In 1934, a young English woman, Christabel Burton, married a German man, Peter Bielenberg, and adopted German citizenship, thinking that Hitler was a bad joke: ”I can assure you,” said Peter, “the Germans won’t be so stupid as to fall for that clown.” What follows is a compelling portrait of daily life in Nazi Germany for an Englishwoman who despised Hitler, while knowing that dissent meant death. She raises children, shelters from devastating Allied bombings, and pleads with the Gestapo to release her husband after he’s caught in a plot to bring down Hitler. This is a fascinating and unique perspective on life in Nazi Germany, which also raises important questions about what goes unsaid.
Intrigued? Read THIS by Amanda Theunissen in the wonderful Slightly Foxed.
In Regent’s Park: Friday 15th November, 11-12.45pm, setting off from Daunt Books, 84 Marylebone High Street, W1U 4QW, £8-15 **Please note the earlier time this month!!**
On Hampstead Heath: Sunday 17th November, 11.30-1pm, setting off from Daunt Books Hampstead, 51 South End Road, NW3 2QB, £8-15
On Zoom: Monday 18th November, 8-9pm, £1-15
Buy The Past is Myself from Daunt Books HERE and receive 10% off using the code WBC at checkout, or just tell them you’re in Emily’s Walking Book Club if you’re buying it in the shop.
You can buy the beautiful Slightly Foxed hardback edition HERE with 10% off using the code EMILY24.
Happy reading,